Schuman & Partners AB

7 Dead Sure ways for any Sourcing Provider to end up on my "Sell List"

I do not in any way pretend to be a Sourcing Specialist, however in my line of work as a CIO I have, during at least the last 20 years, come across many sourcing relations, good and bad. Recently I gave a presentation in Stockholm to the India IT Supplier Community NASSCOM where I began thinking of how I could give something useful for these Indian based people on how to adjust and to adopt to Swedish Business Culture.
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The Art of Relationship Management

Following up on the conference held by Business Sweden & NASSCOM, the Indian IT Supplier Federation, with an audience of Swedish CIO's, Robert Schuman held a higly acclaimed presentation on Outsourcing Relationship management, the slides can be found here.

Etiska riktlinjer

Eftersom vi är medlem av SMK följer vi SMK:s etiska riktlinjer, här är senaste versionen

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